you took me right out of the blue
i wonder if i should continue to lock up this blog. haha. cos it seems like it doesnt matter anymore if i blog anot.
this is just a channel for me to express my emotions or other forms of frustrations. oh well. somehow, i have kinda decided to keep things to myself instead. i will definitely start a whole new blog (for everyone) b4 i fly to Melborne next year because i feel that it is the best way for all of us to stay in touch. I promise that it's gonna be filled with pictures and i'll also be posting it regularly (u bet, i'm the kind that will get homesick easily).
Oh well. i am realllllyyyy extremely excited.
when the hols begin on Nov 1st, i am gonna settle my blogshop business, i will be applying for internship and i may most likely be going to the Philippines. yup. oh, i wanna sign up for Amore too.
By the way, i am undergoing physiotheraphy at sgh because i have a back problem.
In the meanwhile, i really look forward in searching for more content in my life.
it's true that nobody chooses to be single. i must be lying if i say that i do not want a partner in future. The thing is, i see no point in rushing into things. Relationships are complex issues and as i grow older, i realised that i do take many factors into account. Puppy love is a no-no. Chemistry, security, financial stability are practical considerations.
i'm off to sch...dun scratch ur heads upon reading this, i will brb on where it's dangling...