walk and spill her heart. lets start from the very start.
Be Contented-by allinspiration.com
One of the major sources of unhappiness in life is the constant desire for more. More, more, and more.
More stuff. More money. More loving relationships. More time. More recognition. More achievement.
Desire for improvement is a good thing. But not if it consumes you.
When that happens, you lose sight of the present, and fail to appreciate everything you do have now.
Learn to be contented. Learn to count your blessings.
The man who has little but is contented with what he has, is far happier than the man with almost everything but wants everything.
i might as well drill this into my head. because i never understand what is enough. i search high and low constantly for the best..by my own standards, but i am the 'richest' person with nothing left. i lost the ability to appreciate things anymore. so now. tell me how. tell me how.
"Life is full of ups and downs. The trick is to enjoy the ups and have courage during the downs"
i'll try. as they say, there wun be ups w/o downs.
no one will ever understand whats going on in my life,
even u who is reading this blog.
where are my frens. where is my confidante. even if they appear, i doubt i feel comfortable to open up. it's just a whirl of thoughts. i really wanna do well academically, be a good daughter n all. but i feel that i am falling apart already. sometimes i wish i will never wake up. i really do.