Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

i am tired of living for others. period.
sick of never being good enough for myself.
weary of the perfectionist life.
worried that i'll personally destroy all i have one day.
i judge but hate to be judged.
i wished i was more down-to-earth.
i want to be simpler.

like many of you,
i wished i was the daughter of some celebrity or president
of glitz and glamour.
(whatever the price, or u may think i'm materialistic)
but dun we all want things that are hard-to-get?
i love attention
(just the reason why i am typing this post)
i wish for bigger boobs and to be model-stick thin
(although i am pretty fine with the way i am, just the way u tell me.)

i hate to be envied.
because i feel threatened.
yet they say it's a compliment to be admired.
but dun forget that i am human too.
n i err. alot.

although i always proclaim that i dun care about how others think about me,
in fact it's just the very opposite.
i think i care too much.
it's becoming an obessison
that can make or break my day.

they say, live for yourself.
i say, unless you are a piece of wood.

(pardon my emo entries. will be back with my bday updates.)