AttEntion SeEkeR
** ATtEnTiOn sEeKer*
Seeking attention is to be noticed of, thought or considered for. In this world... I believe that everyone's an attention seeker. I'm not trying to do some stereotyping over here... but to any extent... I think that everyone will definitely have a desire or rather the need to be showered with some attention at any point of their life. Have you ever wondered if you are one? If one thinks that he is not an attention seeker... then I bet he is deceiving himself.
Sometimes when people feel neglected by those around them.... they would rather choose to sneak away... feeling that they are less important to the people around them and all. However, have you ever thought? Through this disappearing act, isn't it a form of gaining attention too? Eventually someone will realise one's absence, isn't it? it's just so ironic...
A classic example over here... If a naughty student keeps performing loads of monkey tricks in class... he's an attention seeker right? Someone who loves to attract the attention of everyone out there.. These acts may irritate some of the people around him. However, taking a step back... when we look from another point of view... maybe that person is a lonely one. He is trying to seek company from the people around him. He believes that by bringing joy to the people around him is a method of making his presence felt...
Have you ever observed that when a person is in a bad mood and he suddenly tones himself down... probably he needs some time to reflect... on the other hand, maybe he wants to gain the attention of the people around him. So that eventually he may be able to find a true confidante that will allow him to pour all his grievences out to...
I think that in life... all of us really need this certain amount of attention from the friends around us. Through attention then comes the care and concern needed. Although we may not be of much help to another's problems... at least it gives him some comfort that there will always be someone to be there for him and to give him the moral encouragement.
However, I think that we can only respond to those who are willing to reciprocate to us. In fact, to say the truth... I was rather pissed off from the start of the day... I shall not say why. However, I have come to realise that my patience seems to be wearing out slowly. I can't tolerate people who displays an attitude without even giving a reason behind one's actions. (It's not as though I'm seeking for a valid one...) Anyway.. I chose to keep this annoyed feelings to myself. I would rather maintain silent... then to make anymore attempts to find out the reasons behind one's attitude problem... I'm tired about all these crapz...
Anyway~ today's really an exhausting day... I may put up another entry later... maybe something else that will inspire me better... hee~ *tata*