Apparently i am kinda in a pissed mode rite now.. not sure if its pms or whatever shit. yup.
Just let me yank... argh. thank you.
Holidays are really fun n much better than neverending assignments and overwhelming projects, but somehow... i miss going to sch. ha ha. yah. my toes r laughing too.
I have been attending Amore regularly and its all kinda pre-arranged. Thus this also means that i have pretty tight schedules as well.. cos its kinda fixed. There are ppl asking me out... esp. this week... which coincidentally i dun know y its such a fav. timing whereby everyone returns from overseas, with tons of parties and more. Exciting? of cos~ definitely! But... my other catch-up sessions are starting to screw up my so-called 'holiday schedule' this wk. haiz. With meetings postponed due to last min. crop ups... ending up... my supposed occupied days=kinda free and intended empty days turn out pack. omg. i cannot be running around to 3 events in 1 day!! This dun make sense... bleah.
And its my fault too. cos i can't make up my mind. so everything's not confirmed. i cant give any definite answers to anyone. cos life still has to go on for me.. as in my regular activites~ -faintz- pardon me.. if i sound really bitchy here. -_-"
Or maybe i shouldn't have planned out my activites. But one of my aims this hols is also to pick up better time management skills. So yeah... it takes 2 hands to clap. And the fact that i am frustrated also shows that i need to learn how to be more versatile. Perhaps i am just too greedy for time or that perfectionist nature is working against me yet again~
my dad commented that i am v.independent now. However, i wonder if this is a good thing. Although it seems more to be like a compliment, but i hope that this independence wun detach me too much from the ppl around me and my surroundings. Sometimes i realised that the strong determination in me to achieve somethg is starting to freak me out a lil. My aim to shape up this hol maybe affecting my family's lifestyle too. For example the diet we eat... etc. Am i becoming too strict with myself? I cant explain this change as well. i am just trying to stay focus n at least not be aimless.
Lastly... i tot i can lead my life normally w/o expecting more. But i'm so wrong. As the time draws nearer, i realised how much a person can matter to u. Perhaps all of us are still searching i guess... i dun deny that there r times i am unsure too. But i do already like life the way it is. At least i am beginning to adapt to the changes around me and learning to appreciate what i have.

Maybe none of u reading this can answer this qns...
Is it possible for someone to fall for 2 persons at the same time?