Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


haha... wee~ watched The Incredibles with my dear on Sunday. hehee... it's such a fUnny and TicKlisH carToOn! I think I am set on getting the vcd. It's so so so cute. All the characters are unique in their own way. And trust me... if u think that the movie is childish, bet you will discover it's moral values after watching it! It definitely portrays the importance of unity and team spirit. It also brings across as a sweet show for both families, friends and couples... ahahaha... Looks like I'm up to the job of being the promoter of this movie! lalala

Hai~ now comes a sadder note... I miss my dear lots lots... *cOuntinG fINGers* Today's Tuesday, Tomorrow's Wednesday... until Friday. And he set off yesterday... in another words, it's 5 days! Aw... whatever it is... just really hope to see or hear from him soon. Yeah~ guess he must be enjoying himself over there in KuChiNg wor... leaving his dear dear stuck in Singapore. ahaha~

haha... well well~ I have my own plans for this week too! Hehe... I've got CO... which I honestly had decided declare my 'own break'. haha~ and I got swimming and shOpping dates with my CO sweEtheart and Honey! Yeah... it's on Friday! lalala... looking forward to it and also my dear's return... And for the rest of the week, guess Fz gotta rot at home... be a goodie girl and make sure she learns how to be more self-discipline. haha... one of the "Leong Grooming Course" she will have to undergo.( in another words she is left choiceless) ahaha... and this course is named by me and in-charged by my dad.. Arrgh... blah

It's never easy being an only child. Many common generalisations that people out there make about us... is that... Oh! All only childs are so so lucky. They get all the attention... they get whatever they want, their parents will pamper them with everything in the world, and most importantly they are usually spoilt brats whom requires lots of attention and people to serve them all the time. Well~ I don't deny this to a small extent... however in reality, the beautiful picture is not always the case.

From my own experience, I can tell u that being an only child can be pressurising. Yes... we may not face internal competitions such as sibling rivalry and whatsnot. However, don't forget that there are still cousins and even yourself to compete with. In fact, at times, one cannot help it but to formulate a thinking that 'u are actually your own worst enemy'. Each of us are so affected by the things that are evolving around us everyday. And we can't help it but to be also churned into the rhythem of today's challenging society. And our parents do pin high hopes on us. Linking back to what I wanna say... as an only child, u do get all the stress. U have no one to 'distribute' or to share this burden. And yes... at times, a little of it will help to stretch your abilities to the fullest potential. However, excess of it will turn out to be an additional burden.

For an only child, at times, when you have personal problems... you may not be able to find someone to pour all your thoughts and feelings too. Your parents may not be the right listening ear at times. Your friends?! maybe a few of those close one who really understands you or maybe your love one. However, it's still harder for an outsider to see the full picture isn't it?! It's difficult for them to put themselves into your own shoes too... yup..

As the only child, at times... besides all these expectations... there are definitely more to it. Yeah... and it's all those grooming stuff. Such as character development for the well-being of oneself... how to learn to be a more pleasant and presentable person especially when you enter the society in future... how to carry yourself properly... bla.

yah... some of you may say that this is called 'strict upbringing'... that's not only faced by only childs... However, more attention is FOCUSED if u are the only young sprout at home. Hai~ all this things are pretty irritating at times... and it probably does get on my nerves.

However, I am just glad for the fact thAT at least I do not face problems such as curfews and whatsnot...

yeah... anyway I do recognise that fact that all parents want the best for their kids. yup... but it really depends...
If you realised, this involves alot of dilemma as I type this entry.

Yup... whatever it is, whether being an only child or a child of a big family is a boon or a bane?! maybe you guys can spare some time thinking about it... and to fit things into your own situation too~, just like me.

Yeah... so take care everyone out there. Although it's the holidays, make sure that u all take good care of yourselves while having all the fun wor. heehee~
Yup... shall hope to see my dear soon~ yeah... I love u dear~
