Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year 2007!

Woohoo... Happy New Year everyone!!! May 2007 be an optimistic year filled with fun, love, happiness, hope n many wonderful things we wish for... =)

Hmn... fz is FINALLY back to blogging again. haha. Firstly, i wanna thank all of u for the support and encouragement... life's never easy neither will it always remain tough... all we can do is to keep looking forward into the future. A new beginning is always positive n i've learnt that holding back will just haunt us even more. Well... to sum up, we hafta just keep believing in ourselves in order to convince the poeple around us that we can excel as well or even better. Therefore, ONE of my New Year resolutions is to prove myself n outshine the rest...=)

Okie dokey.. shall do a short recap about 2006..

Dearest bloggy... as i would affectionately address, haha

2006 had been filled with countless ups and downs as usual, but it was the time when i finally break out from my comfort zone and learnt to experience the real taste of life. I had became more independent, confident and a person who know what she really wants... although tis journey of self-discovery will never end...=) I had my share of endless fun, clubbing, chionging v.hard for my assignments,working and even forging many plationic friendships that i strongly believe will lasts a lifetime. I had a chance to meet people from all walks of life during the 2 vacation jobs i was in... It gave me a good chance to reflect and learn from the success and mistakes from many more professionals out there who have already carved out a niche for themselves. I look forward to graduate and start a wonderful career too... n i still have many dreams i wanna fulfill...

At dfs, i have met wonderful colleagues of different ages. Learning to mingle and make merry with them has been great. Sometimes, its hard to believe how unexpected human relations can be forged. Honestly, i can hardly believe that i will still be closely keeping-in-touch with all of them.. especially my precious other half aka b1. hehe.

Well.. and i am v.grateful that my choice of the Mass Comm. course has been most apt for me. Its really something i will wanna venture in for life. Learning how to act, write scripts, film, the history of media, documentaries, analysing world events and being well-equipped with general knowledge and the news... This course has changed my perspective. Perhaps, its due to my passion for it... the countless nlb visits and researches were v.taxing but never a chore. Being in such a prestigious course as many would commonly view Monash to be can be quite stressful yet its under stress when it pushes me to my limits and stretches my potential. And most importantly.. my uni friends. They are a bunch a people who have been a pretty good influence especially with the clinque of around 10 that i hang out with. We play hard and work hard.. isn't that the key to everything? hee. Furthermore, i have found a close friend that i would call as my bestie too. My A.darling! hmm. sometimes i just can't understand fate... anyway no one does. But its amazing how such a close bond can be forged in just a short period of 4-5 months... we share many things in common n the endless telepathy n the sentiments we share is unbelieveable. =)

Well.. some things have changed too. Hmn.. somehow i've learnt how to let go. Learnt to get my priorities rite. As what someone told me... just keep focused n concentrate on whatever i am doing and the rest will just flow in naturally. Theres no point thinking too much because the time spent doing this have been wasted. It could be used into many more meaningful activities. yeah.. thats really true... Cos i wanna sieze my youth n achieve as many things as possible. As always, i wanna live my life with no regrets. =)

Alrite.. in a way i have mature yet became more materialistic too. i do not deny that the pursuits for brands has became more significant in my life n tis holiday has been one whereby i have added a few more to my collection. hmmn... guess its the stage of life b4 we officially enter the working force for good n embrace more material goodness out of it. haha. But i'm gonna be more self-discipline as well...

okie.. lets welcome the new year with a smile n may all of u be blessed with good health and enjoy this splendid beginning!

brb... aw.. and sch starts on the 3rd for me... the hols hasn't been that short for me, at least i felt that it was a meaningful one. i am excited n looking forward to my new modules such as advertising and PR.

yup yup... and i wanna be a better daughter, friend and person in this whole new episode of 2007.

loves all of u. =)