Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Monday, April 21, 2008

hello world.


while the whole world is in the midst of their exams,
fz is still struggling with the assignments,
and the great/wonderful/superb/fantastic news is...
i will actually end my exam on the 19th JUNE.
wow indeed.
all thanks to the 4 months of summer hols.
but i'm not grumbling anyway.
summer will be here again, soon.
in Aussie sense i meant.
gonna get my bday prezzie sooonnnn. HEHE.
in another half a yr more or so..
i'll be gone.
can't wait to start a new life in Aussie!
although i'll miss many things here
but it's a much-needed opportunity/space
for fz to grow.
i can let go of the many emotional baggages,
i really look forward to the day i clinch that scroll
throw my hat into the air
n tear in joy.
i reallyyy do.