i'm such a crybaby!!! -shrugs-
Sunday, July 01, 2007
About Me
- Name: fz
- Location: Singapore
They say that i'm girly, flamboyant and a dramaqueen. Well, you gotta know me well to testify for that. I'm 21 and nothing can sum up my life better than colorful. I like things that scream OHM. A word of caution: don't try to be mean cos i wun bite, but i will pin you with my killer stare. Oh, n i'm Fengzhi, nice to meet you ;) Wanna know more? It's all in between the lines or feel free to drop me a message.
ah YaT
mEizI AKA Ms.designer
jOycE AKA jc.dear
peI qInG AKA pq.dAr
BeRnIcE AKA ber ber
Shin yi
hUeY sHyAn AKA cAtCh*2
suA chEo AKA s.c AKA swatch
xin Lan AKA "sista 1"
JoaNNe AKA "sista 2"
aLysSa AKA drama queen
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