Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Rules of the game:

Post 5 weird/random things about yourself. At the end of the quiz, list the names of 5 people who you want next to do this and leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read your blog 5 random things about me...

1. i enjoy bathing.. it's a leisure to me.. haha. A good form of relaxation after a long day. And i must have my mp3 with me when i go to bed...

2. i have the current fetish for the colour red, n also lacy stuff. red manicure, red roses, red lingerie...(Oops.. did i just say that. haha) n etc. not exactly for clothing... n it's not becos of the cny that leads to this weird phenomenon in me. haha. bleah.

3. erm... currently,i am a westerner aka 'ang-moh' in training. haha. i can't help it but to be influnced by the accent i deal with everyday at work!

4. i can be a lil superficial at times... esp. regarding the opp. sex. come'on, let's be more down-to-earth cum practical... looks does play an important role...And so does common interests n personality. Hmn... strangers that approaches me out of nowhere n non-gentlemenly guys are a big turn-off.

5.Loving life the way it is... but i expect more. i have rising expectations for myself. i am confident. i am independent. maybe? hah.
Do u exactly know who i'm truely am? perhaps, u have to rediscover me. Just like e way i did.

ppl hu gotta do this: anyone... =)

this entry is upon requested by jc.dear. haha. hope to meet up soon yeah. >_<


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