Trick or treat?!
Woohoo... i'm back... gonna try posting some halloween pics for the first time ever on this blog! haha. sit back n enjoy~

arhuh. great pics isn't it??? hehe. gonna venture into photoblogging real soon. Anyway, i signed up for a 3mths unlimted package at Amore. hoho. Gonna exercise my way thru the hols since i dun think i will be working in such a short term. hehe. Today's my v.first lesson n in a few weeks time they are gonna send me down for a free 1-1 session with a personal trainer. woohoo.. i am all ready and excited! Gonna shop, tan, tone up, catch-up, give tuition this hols! hope to see the results...haha. -cross fingers-.
Everyday... i just wake up with a qns in mind... "What am i gonna do today?". haha. alrite.. i have tons of plans in mind. X'mas is nearing... and there are parties to attend! pls make advance bking with fz. hahaha. hmm...waiting for someone to be back too...-_-
okie... for now, i have all the time in the world to blog. SO stay tuned. lala.
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