Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm a human being =)

hmnmm.. me back... got this from dar's blog. Found it kind of interesting. Anyway i enjoy doing such quizs.

How Happy Are You?
By Louise Lague

Your Results
Your happiness is profound.

Wise woman that you are, you've learned that happiness is not about good things happening to you, but about enjoying what you have. Chances are that you keep in touch with meaningful friends, reach outside yourself with volunteer work, and view change with curiosity instead of fear. You're optimistic and feel you run your own life. When bad days come around, you feel blue but know it's not forever.

"Unhappiness is based on fear, and fear cannot be held in the brain at the same time as love," says Dr. Dan Baker, psychologist and author of What Happy People Know (St. Martin's Press, 2004). His quick fix to start the attitude change is to always look for something in the moment to appreciate. "See problems as possibilities," he says. Done something great, or even good? Appreciate yourself and pause for a moment of pride.

David Myers, a professor of social psychology at Hope College and one of the nation's foremost research experts on happiness says, "We can sometimes act ourselves into a frame of mind. Manipulated into a smiling expression, people feel better; when they scowl, the whole world seems to scowl back. So talk as if you feel positive self-esteem, are optimistic, and are outgoing. Going through the motions can trigger the emotions." He also recommends strengthening connections with others, sleep, exercise, an appreciation journal, and membership in a faith community.

If you hate your job, either change it or engage in a hobby that will help you experience "flow." The state of flow -- a sense of un-self-consciousness and serenity -- is caused by pursuing enjoyable and meaningful activities, either on the job or off, from golf to needlepoint, from weeding a garden to organizing your closet. The activities or thoughts that bring on a state of flow are different for each of us. Doing more of those things, though, brings on more joy and a habit of happy living.


You're Too Romantic for Your Own Good!

Hey. Hello. You there, with the violins in your head. We can't believe you sat down in front of a computer long enough to take a quiz, what with your bubble bath a-waiting. But since you took the time to ask the question, we've got the answer: Your head's in the clouds, and the rest of you might need a bit of assistance. We have a feeling that the rest of your life can only improve if you rein in your passions a bit and learn to balance a checkbook.

"It's wonderful to be able to lose yourself in passion -- too many women feel like they have to keep quiet, or worry that they won't be businesslike if they have a soft side," says Carrie Feron, who, as executive editor of the Avon Romance line of romance novels, is well-versed in the joys -- and pitfalls -- of the amorous life. "But a woman who can't take care of herself can come to a tragic end -- great stuff for a novel, not so great when it leaps off the page." The truth is, you've got to take care of the basics before you indulge the flights of fancy. So take a crash course in what really matters. Believe us, your hubby will be glad to see you putting on those cute little reading glasses and figuring out the un-fun stuff.

Or if you're single, remember how sometimes, the heroine notices the passion beneath the surface of the quiet minor character and finds satisfaction in his unlikely arms.

Start slowly, by figuring out where your passions overpower you. If you tend to lose your temper, work on that. If it's money that's your weakness, start writing down what you spend and where. Quit with the "oh, that's boring," and see the ways in which it's empowering, energizing, and just as exciting to come up with a plan and stick to it -- with great results.

hmn... just wanna say thanks for all those ppl who have been there for me. Time will heal bah? However, not all wounds can be healed completely in ur lifetime... cos at times, life doesn't leave us with choices at all. does it? So just have to get up and to learn to move on. I know it's always easier said than done...Feeling v.hurt is definitely natural... afterall i'm a human being filled with real emotions... not heartless. Perhaps i can turn it to be a blessing in disguise? hmn... shall continue to look forward for a better future. For the love ones around me... thks for treasuring me and be sure that ur love for me will be reciprocated.. I have mature alot through this huge hurdle... although it may seem too much to take, but i'll endure. It's an eye-opener for me. Realised that giving too much will just get u all whacked up at times when things start to turn its back on u... No matter how heart-broken i may feel way deep down inside me, i'm glad for the fact that the close ones around me are always there to inject a few dose of optimism, bringing much joy to me yeah. hmn... i will pull through.. cos i have to and i will continue to love the friends around me. To be able to love is a gift that not many ppl possess... although it's real painful when things do not turn out right... it doesn't change my perception of love. However, it has allow me to take a further step to understand what love is all about... to some... loving is to forgive and forget. To me... to love is to not hurt another and it's impossible when one says "i can forgive but cannot forget". For in the 1st place, if u are unable to forget... have u really forgiven? Hmn... to hate is not a desired choice... Perhaps it will just help u to run away from the mess u are in temporarily. And to hate is a terrible feeling. i had rather choose to follow my heart... but for a sentimental person like me... perhaps it's difficult to forget the memories and deeds that were once experienced or hurtful words that were said.. whatever that's done, it's hard to undo it... So just leave this part to fate...

*Love's not a childsplay, when selfishness reign...u have hurt another unconditionally... the emotional pain inflicted is definitely beyond words. Time will just help u to get better but it will definitely leave a dent...till u have entered another stage of life.."


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