Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


hehehe... just came back from a haircut. Wee... went to Reds just now. haha... well well... cut V-shape layer as usual plus shorter fringe that slants to the side lah... it joins to my hair. That means my layered hair is a little more obvious from the front bah. ahaha... but maybe to u guys it doesn't look much different. Just that it's shorter bah... I think by about 2.5 inch? ahahaha...Unless I tie up my hair then u can see layered fringe I think. ahhaa... whatever~ =P

Yeah... so sorry to my joycey dear~. I went down to Reds at Bugis later than estimated. So I couldn't meet her after that. I will feel bad if I make her wait alone u know? hee... see so nice right? lalala... Guess we will postpone our shopping trip to another day wor!

After that I joined my parents for a PEking Buffet Steamboat at Royal Hotel I think. It was pretty expensive, but the food was not bad. Yeah! But I am not feeling well today. Experiencing some dizzy spells and some indigestion. hai~ must really take care. One can fall sick easily under such weather.

Oh yah... in the morning I had Co... well well~ there were only girls who turned up. The tan bo yue, er hu and ta ji section combined to chit-chat and gossip around, after approximately an hour of practice. wahahaha~ it's good that the instructors are absent for the rest of the remaining practices. Then we can take the chance to relax and destress a little. hehe... it was pretty fun talking to all of them. Throughout the whole thing, I nearly laughed my head off. The conversations we had actually stretched from hairstyles (since I consulted them), to relationships, to vegetarian thingy ("Liu Gong Gong"... insider's joke) and then to the various good food in town. wahaha.. see~ we have the great ability to digress~ We actually talked and talked for about 2 hours. Omg... hehe... but through this way, time will pass faster yeah~

After that I was chit-chatting with Karin(beloved) at the bus-stop... while we were waiting for the bus. However, we made the last minute decision to join the rest for lunch at tm. As usual... what can u expect from 11 girls?! Noise and of course more noise on the bus and all the way to tm. wahahah... but we ended up lunching at Pastamania since the foodcourt was too packed! Wee... I ate the Seafood Mania. Yucks... the special sauce they claimed was so diluted loh. Goodness.. guess I will eat the Marianas seafood thingy or the Pizza in future. Anyway, I have not tried white saue Spaghetti before. Only once at Yu Yan's house! hehe... will get to try it again on Boxing Day! (26/11)

Hmn... my cousin's wedding is drawing near. I have got my dress le. However, I wonder if I should style my hair anot. Hee.. but it's only for 1 night. Furthermore, it's only for the relatives to see. wahahaha... maybe I can 'use' my cousin's hairstylist?! wOo... quite a good idea. Since I am doing them a favour of being at the reception for that day and to also usher the guest in. hehehe...shall see~ lalala

OKie... gotta tuck into bed earlier tonight. Before I see *stars* tomorrow. (faint...)haha... bye!

Stay tuned for more reports and forecasts. yeah~


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