Beaute De Rose

OnE dOes NoT fAll In Luv... coS oNe gRoWs IntO lUV anD lUv gRowS iN u. Red ROse - Love, respect Deep Pink ROse - Gratitude, appreciation Light Pink ROse - Admiration, sympathy White ROse - Reverence, humility Yellow ROse - Joy, gladness Orange ROse - Enthusiasm, desire Red and Yellow ROse - Gaiety, joviality Yellow ROse - Sociability, friendship

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence
You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Saturday, October 30, 2004

MixTure of THoUhgTS

hee~ Fz's back again... haven't been in the blogging mood lately. Too busy with so many upcoming events.. the cca... pw-op...Chinese A's... and also to spend some time with my friends and most importantly dear loh~ haha

well well... I am experiencing several mix emotions lately... luckily he was there to give me all the moral support and encouragement. thanks dear~ yes... life can never be sweeter without ur presence too! Hmn... recently... I have come to realised how true the common saying can be. " A Friend in need is a Friend in deed"... when one is experiencing his 'darkest' days... or to put it more optimistically... facing his downs... It's really a moment of truth whereby the true colours of the people around you are being revealed. Basically I feel that it can also be a test to your friends etc. and it can be an eye-opener too.

Hmn.. at times I feel that certain events can turn out to be a blessing in disguise too. It all depends on how you look at it... and the way you approach the issue. It can either work to your advantage or disadvantage. Thus each time when you are given a new chance to survive... try your best to grab hold of it. Make sure that you pull through this second test and end up to be the last on Survivor Island. haha... sounds ambitious isn't it? well easy to be said than done... However as what my mum always says..." It there's a will... there's a way!"

Okie..dokey... shall dedicate this para to my dear~ Hmn... just wanna say thanks for being there for me through thick and thin. I feel really lucky to have ya by my side and you are already a part of my life. Yes... I really do treasure every moment spent with ya... hopefully we will be able to overcome more impending 'tests' that are coming up (or at least... we can foresee). Well... your presence never fails to light up my smiles.. And I'm sure that I have ultimately made the right choice right? hehehe... [=^_^=]

Yeah.. yesterday I had the honour of inviting my 'friend' home.. haha~ initally it was supposed to be a short 'tour' session around my house (sounds as though I live in a big bungalow... ahaha crap..). However... it ended u with a small sharing session... from Fz's childhood days to who she is right now! haha... had lots of laughter and 'ticklish' moments as we flipped through those thick stacks of photo albums of mine! hee~ Fz's 17 yrs of life story.. Well well.. believed that 'someone' must have had a good laugh at almost all of them! Arrgh... became a laughing stock~ >_< Anyway... we were taking pics. around my messy yet cosy house of mine. haha... well~ it was a simple 'meeting' though.. but a memorable one I guess. Especially when someone attempted to play my zhongruan and to also put on my super cute Hello Kitty bedroom slippers. wahahah.... I nearly laughed my head off. Well~ I had evidence all recorded in my hp k... regradless if it's video or pic. u name it... and I have it... hehehe~ =P
And then... managed to 'feast' onto some fried rice that was cooked by dad. hehe... smells really good isn't it?! 3 cheers for him!!!

Well.. my house is a little in a topsy-turvy state lately. Grandma's hospitalised.. and my dad and maid have are so busy running around.. taking care of household matters and grandma in hospital. Well~ guess her condition is improving gradually and I really await for her to be discharged soon. Yeah... each time I visited her.. she seemed to be in high spirits! haha... well~ Fz must have been able to perform magic.. as to be able to put on a smile on that gloomy face of hers. hehehe...

Well topic for the day ===> Love

well well... to me.. I think that love is something rich in flavour and it appears in all shapes and sizes. It depends on how you really define it... the true meaning to it... the depth of it... and maybe to some ppl out there, it's just perfectly intangible. Love is like a CouGhDrOp mIxTurE! Weird analogy u may think... However just like a coughdrop... it tastes SwEeT in the BegInning.. but eventually overnight, it will leave a small speck of bitter feeling on those taste buds of yours. And if you take it before proper meals.. it may end up churning your stomach. Thus producing a sourish feeling. However.. once you are fully recovered... you have learnt from this experience.. thus it has in one way or another, added some SpiCe iNto yoUr lifE! haha.. hmn.. this explanation here may seem a little far-fetch to some of you... or it may sound like a recipe. However... I feel that it sounds really true~

I think love is like a cycle... whether or not you are in a relatiionship.. or you are still living in that 'past' which you once hold... you cannot deny the fact that love is all around! It only depends on whether you wanna take the chance to give it a shot, to put in some effort or to even accept the love of another for you.

Just wanna quote something from my earlier entries again~

"Never be afraid to fall in love. It may hurt a lot, it
may give you aches and pains, but if you don't
follow your heart, in the end you will cry even
more for not giving love a chance. Love may leave
your heart like shattered glass, but keep in mind
that there's someone who'll be willing to endure the
pain of picking up the pieces so you could be
whole again"

yeah~ sounds really touching isn't it?! I think these sayings gives one the strength and courage to pursue one's own happiness. In the beginning it seems like you are stuck at the entrance of a tunnel. You don't really know where you are heading for... everything seems so ambiguous and unclear... yet~ if you are willing to take this chance.. together with that special one of yours... by embracing what you have with love, mutual understanding and care... you will definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel~ Well... these descriptions here seems so smooth-sailing... however... one must be really prepared to endure all the problems that may come into your way. However ... whether you can pass it ultimately... the experience and the things you have learnt from it will be more precious.

hehe.. little thoughts here and there... enjoy reading then! feel free to comment in my taggie!


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