Being Sensitive
In life, there are many times where conflicts occur or when troubles start to brew all because either one is insensitive or over-sensitive to the feelings of the ppl around them.
It's really hard to say... because most of us face such common dilemmas each time we communicate. Firstly, being insensitive to the feelings of others can indicate that u have either neglected them or are just too ignorant about the things going on. At times, we tend to be too direct especially with our words,and it may end up hurting another. In the first place, it's because we are really curious about what's going through the mind of the other, especially for ppl who hates to beat-around-the bush. However, while putting ur point across... have u ever considered how the other party would react to it? If u are prepared to face the consequences, whether good or bad...then u can decide whether u wanna go ahead.
For people who are over-senstive... it can work to your advantage or disadvantage.
Advantages: It allows you to be more sensitve to the feelings of the ppl around you and to be able to be there for them whenever they needed you. To lend a listening ear and to provide advices after you have fully understood their situation/problem.
Being over-sensitive can also help one to get away when u foresee that troubles are brewing. Thus it enables u to react accordingly before being churned into the swirling water.
Disadvantage: However, being over-sensitive can also cause someone to think too much.. By being over-concerned about the issues occuring daily... it will only accumulate more burden and problems for yourself. u will never have a piece of mind.. and it's harder for u to focus since u are simply bothered about every single thing. In short, it's simply TOO much to handle.
Okie... if u have an over-sensitive friend... you may be irritated by his/her presence. But thinking about it... that person is just merely offering his/her concern. If u think in another way round... if u can make that person so sensitive to every single bit of your emotions and actions. This shows how much u mean to that person... and how important u are in his/her heart. In fact, u should feel honoured...
Yup... and per haps at times there are some ppl who may wonder why that someone would tend to ask u qns when u think that they already know the obvious answer. why? why does that person still ask u? Is it done deliberately? I think not...
The reason could be because that person just lacks the confidence in whatever he/she thinks or feels. He/She doesn't want to be caught in a situation when he realises that it's a one-sided thinking all along. In fact.. it all rounds down to assurance isn't it? To feel secure that u have not lost anyone or anything in particular... to assure that things are going fine. Yes... we have to trust our own judgement.. but there are still times when u feel that there's a need to know where you are heading for or progressing to.
It's not easy to understand how another feel unless if u have ever tried to put yourself into the shoes of the other. Every qns comes with a reason. SOme are merely out of curosity... and u just happen to blurt it out. Some qns may have got to do with something that has been hovering or weighing that person's mind. u will really have to judge it yourself. If u are not sure why that person's asking u a particular thing... then seek for clarification... This will definitely help you to understand the other party better... ;P
Yeah... that's all for today... just dropping by to put down my scattered thoughts. It's a little vague I think... but will elaborate it in future when more inspirations come. ahaha... ciao then! =P
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